Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Paul Strohmeier | ERC Starting Grant | 05 September 2024 | Award | European Research Counsil |
Anja Feldmann | Fellow of ACM | 30 January 2024 | Fellowship | Association for Computing Machinery |
Gerhard Weikum | doctor honoris causa | 12 January 2024 | honorary doctorate | Athens University |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Vahid Babaei | Curious-Minds-Award | 16-Oct-2023 | Award | Manager Magazin |
David Stutz | DAGM MVTec Dissertation Award | September 2023 | Award | German Association for Pattern Recognition |
Anja Feldmann | Konrad Zuse Medal | September 2023 | Award | German Informatics Society |
Kurt Mehlhorn | doctor honoris causa | 18 April 2023 | honorary doctorate | Aalto University |
Anja Feldmann | 2024 IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award | Jun 2023 | Award | IEEE |
Marc Habermann | Otto Hahn Medal of the MPS | Mar 2023 | Award | Max Planck Society |
Azin Ghazimatin | German GI-DBIS Dissertation Award 2023 | February 2023 | Award | German Informatics Society |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Corinna Coupette | Caroline von Humboldt Prize | 16 November 2022 | Award | Humboldt University Berlin |
Danupon Nanongkai | Foundation of Computer Science Best Paper Award 2022 | November 2022 | Award | IEEE |
Dengxin Dai | German Pattern Recognition Award 2022 | October 2022 | Award | German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM) |
Marc Habermann | DAGM MVTec Dissertation Award | September 2022 | Award | German Association for Pattern Recognition |
Ayush Tewari | Otto Hahn Medal of the MPS | March 2022 | Award | Max Planck Society |
Vahid Babaei | Hermann Neuhaus Preis of the MPS | March 2022 | Award | Max Planck Society |
Roohani Sharma | ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award 2021 | February 2022 | Award | Association for Computing Machinery |
Daniel Wagner | IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize | January 2022 | Award | Internet Engineering Task Force/ Internat Research Tast Force |
Bernt Schiele | Fellow of ACM | January 2022 | Fellowship | Association for Computing Machinery |
Thomas Lengauer | Fellow of ACM | January 2022 | Fellowship | Association for Computing Machinery |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Yiting Xia | N2Women: Stars in Computer Networking and Communications | November 2021 | Award | Networking Women |
Gerhard Weikum | Konrad Zuse Medal | October 2021 | Award | German Informatics Society |
Harald Ganzinger | http://i-cav.org/2021/cav-award/ | July 2021 | Award | International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification |
Asia J. Biega | Database-Dissertation Award of the German Informatics Society | June 2021 | Award | German Informatics Society |
Bernt Schiele | Member of Leopoldina | March 2021 | Fellowship | Leopoldina |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Anja Feldmann | IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize | November 2020 | Award | Internet Engineering Task Force/ Internat Research Tast Force |
Anja Feldmann | ACM Internet Measurement Conference Community Contribution Award | October 2020 | Award | Association for Computing Machinery |
Noshaba Cheema | Frauen MINT Award | April 2020 | Award | |
Martin Bromberger | Dr. Eduard Martin Preis | May 2020 | Award | Saarland University |
Corinna Coupette | Otto-Hahn-Medaille | May 2020 | Award | Max Planck Society |
Thomas Leimkühler | Otto-Hahn-Medaille | May 2020 | Award | Max Planck Society |
Christian Theobalt | EG Outstanding Technical Contribution Award | 25 May 2020 | Award | Eurographics |
Klaus Berberich and Gerhard Weikum | ECIR Test of Time Award | April 2020 | Award | European Conference on Information Retrieval |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Anja Feldmann | Member of Acatech | Nov 2019 | Fellowship | acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering, Germany |
Zeynep Akata | ERC Starting Grant | 05 Sep 2019 | Award | European Research Council |
Karl Bringmann | ERC Starting Grant | 05 Sep 2019 | Award | European Research Council |
Gerard Pons-Moll | German Pattern Recognition Award | Sep 2019 | Award | Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung |
Christoph Weidenbach | Skolem Award (CADE-16 test of time award) | Aug 2019 | Award | Conference on Automated Deduction |
Harald Ganzinger (†) | Skolem Award (CADE-10 test of time award) | Aug 2019 | Award | Conference on Automated Deduction |
Gerard Pons-Moll | Google Faculty Research Award | Mar 2019 | Award | Google AI Reaserch |
Karl Bringmann | Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Preis | 27 Feb 2019 | Award | German Research Foundation |
Karl Bringmann | EATCS Presburger Award 2019 | 22 Feb 2019 | Award | European Association for Theoretical Computer Science |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Anja Feldmann | Schelling Preis | 08 Dec 2018 | Award | Bayerische Akademie Der Wissenschaften |
Fabian M. Suchanek, Gjergji Kasneci and Gerhard Weikum | IW3C2 Seoul Test of Time Award 2018 | 2018 | Award | International World Wide Web Conference Committee |
Ruben Becker | Dr. Eduard Martin Preis | May 2018 | Award | Saarland University |
Gerard Pons-Moll | Emmy Noether Program | Nov 2018 | Award | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft |
Anna Rohrbach | Otto Hahn Medal | 2018 | Award | Max Planck Society |
Bernt Schiele | Fellow of the IAPR | 2018 | Fellowship | International Association for Pattern Recognition |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Franziska Müller | Günther Hotz Medaille | 15 Nov 2016 | Award | Freunde der Saarbrücker Informatik |
Dr. Markus Steinberger | Heinz Zemanek Preis | 20 Oct 2016 | Award | |
Dr. Sebastian Krinninger | Heinz Zemanek Preis | 20 Oct 2016 | Award | |
Gerhard Weikum | Robert-Piloty-Preis | 28 Oct 2016 | Award | |
Thomas Lengauer | ISCB - President-elect | 12 Sep 2016 | Fellowship | |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Steimle | ERC Starting Grant | 12 Sep 2016 | Research Fellowship | |
Johannes Hoffart, Daniel Bär, Dragan Milchevski, Luciano del Corro, Gerhard Weikum | IHK-Saar: "1,2,3,GO" Business Plan | September 2016 | Award | |
Dr. Michael Zollhöfer, Prof. Dr. Christian Theobalt | SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies 2016 | Jul 2016 | Award | |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Seidel | Solid Modeling Pioneer | 22 June 2016 | Award | |
Gerhard Weikum | SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award | May 2016 | Award | |
Sandy Heydrich | Google Europe PhD Fellowship | 10 Mar 2016 | Research Fellowship | |
Prof. Dr. Kurt Mehlhorn | Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC) | March 2016 | Membership | |
Andreas Wiese | Emmy Noether-Programm | 03 Feb 2016 | Award |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Prof. Dr. Kurt Mehlhorn | Member US Academy of Science | 06 May 2015 | Membership | |
Thomas Lengauer | ISCB -Fellow | 20 Feb 2015 | Fellowship | |
Karl Bringmann | EATCS Distinguished Dissertation Award | Mar 2015 | Award | European Association for Theoretical Computer Science |
Thomas Lengauer | Hector Wissenschaftspreis | 30 Jan 2015 | Award |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Kurt Mehlhorn | University of Gothenburg: doctor honoris causa | 04 Jun 2014 | honorary doctorate | |
Ndapandula Nakashole | Otto-Hahn-Medaille | 06 Jun 2014 | Medaille | |
Tobias Ritschel | Eurographics Young Researcher Award | 07 Apr 2014 | Award | |
Prof. Dr. Kurt Mehlhorn | Member US National Academy of Engineering | 06 Feb 2014 | Membership | |
Prof. Dr. Michael Backes Prof. Dr. Peter Druschel Prof. Dr. Rupak Majumdar Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weikum | ERC Synergy Grant | 10 Dec 2013 | Research Fellowship | |
Prof. Dr. Kurt Mehlhorn | Erasmus Medal of the Academia Europaea | 01 Apr 2014 | Medal |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Dr. Anna Adamaszek | Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers | 01 Sep 2013 | Research Fellowship | |
Rainer Gemulla | Junior Fellow of the German Computer Society (GI) | 2013-09-18 | Fellowship | |
Prof. Dr. Christian Theobalt | ERC Starting Grant | 16 Jun 2013 | Research Fellowship | |
Dr. Artur Jez | Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers | 01 Feb 2013 | Research Fellowship |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Seidel | Eurographics Distinguished Career Award 2012 | 05/15/2012 | Award | |
Karl Bringmann | Google Europe PhD Fellowship | 11 Jun 2012 | Research Fellowship | |
Carola Winzen | Jun 2012 | Medaille |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Matthias Hullin | Otto-Hahn-Medaille | Jun 2011 | Medaille | |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weikum | 2011 SIGMOD Contributions Award | 01 Jul 2011 | Award | |
Adrian Neumann | Günther Hotz Medaille | Jul 2012 | Award | Freunde der Saarbrücker Informatik |
Prof. Dr. Kurt Mehlhorn | Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award 2010 | 04 Jun 2011 | Award | |
Karl Bringmann | Günther Hotz Medaille | 29 Jan 2011 | Award | Freunde der Saarbrücker Informatik |
Name | Award | Date | Category | Organisation |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weikum | Member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering | 10 Dec 2013 | Membership | acatech |
Sebastian Gerling | GDD Science Award | 19 Nov 2010 | Award | German Association for Data Protection and Data Security (GDD) |
Gerard de Melo | CIKM Best Paper Award | 03 Nov 2013 | Award | ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management |
Carola Winzen | Google Europe Doctoral Fellowship | 27 Oct 2010 | Grant | |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weikum | Fellow of the GI | 20 Dec 2010 | Fellowship | German Society for Computer Sciene (Gesellschaft für Informatik) |
Mario Albrecht | Young Gun Award | 20 Dec 2010 | Award | Human Proteome Organization |
Jörg Herrmann + IST-Group | IT-Community Award | 17 Sep 2010 | Award | IT-Community of the Max Planck Society |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weikum | Google Research Award | 10 Jan 2010 | Award | Google Inc. |
Fabian Müller | Günther Hotz Medaille | 29 Jan 2010 | Award | Freunde der Saarbrücker Informatik |