Latest News

Paul Strohmeier: ERC Grant
05 September 2024
The European Research Council awarded Paul Strohmeier an ERC Starting Grant to research and develop algorithms to vibrate actuators in such a way that they generate sensations of movement.

MPI-INF and Google expand strategic research partnership on AI
05 February 2024
New research area "Vision and Language Models (VLMs)" at the Saarbrücken Research Center for Visual Computing, Interaction and Artificial Intelligence under the direction of Professor Bernt Schiele (left)

Anja Feldmann: ACM Fellow
30 January 2024
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the largest and most prestigious international scientific society in the field of computer science, has named Anja Feldmann, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken and Professor at Saarland University, an "ACM Fellow". This honors her influential contributions to the data-driven analysis of operational networks. Worldwide, only 68 new ACM Fellows were named for 2023.

Gerhard Weikum: doctor honoris causa
12 January 2024
The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens has bestowed the title of an honorary doctor (doctor honoris causa) on Gerhard Weikum, in recognition of his contributions to the fields of databases, world wide web, and artificial intelligence.
Vahid Babei awarded Curious-Minds-Award 2023
16 October 2023
Every year the Manager Magazin bestowes two young scientists with this award "for their outstanding and pioneering research".
From the laudatio: "As a computer scientist, Vahid Babaei develops new software that enables machines to decide for themselves on the shape of their products. Sophisticated 3-D design, for example, is intended to optimize the effect of individually designed tablets on each patient."
Vahid is now in the magazine's Hall of Fame of German Research

Anja Feldmann: 2023 Konrad Zuse Medal
28 September 2023
Anja Feldmann was bestowed with the 2023 Konrad Zuse Medal by the German Informatics Society.
She is being honored for her outstanding achievements in the field of computer networks and her research on Internet traffic during the corona pandemic. The Zuse Medal is the highest award for computer science in Germany. Since 1987 this medal is awarded every second year to a single person.

Kurt Mehlhorn was awarded with a doctor honoris causa
20 July 2023
Kurt Mehlhorn was awarded with a doctor honoris causa by the Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics of the Aalto University of Finland.

Anja Feldmann received the 2024 IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award
30 June 2023
Professor Anja Feldmann was bestowed with this award “For contributions to the field of networking and Internet technologies, specifically to traffic engineering, network measurements, and Internet protocols.”

Marc Habermann bestowed with Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society
30 June 2023
The Max Planck Society awardes the Otto Hahn Medal to young researchers for outstanding scientific achievements, mostly in connection with their doctorate.
„The prize is awarded for the development of novel GPU-parallelized optimization and deep learning algorithms for space-time coherent human performance capture and synthesis at real-time frame rates.“

Max Planck Institute for Informatics & Google announce the "Saarbrücken Research Center for Visual Computing, Interaction and Artificial Intelligence (VIA)"
30 June 2023
In June, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken, Germany and Google have announced a strategic research partnership to start the "Saarbrücken Research Center for Visual Computing, Interaction and Artificial Intelligence (VIA)" at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics. The opening event was held on November 9. The Center is lead by Christian Theobalt, head of Department 6.

Hans-Peter Seidel elected into the ACM SIGGRAPH Academy
12 July 2022
The director of our Department 4 has been honored by the world's largest computer science association, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), for his seminal contributions to the research field of computer graphics. This election is considered one of the world's highest honors in computer graphics research.

Christian Theobalt elected Fellow of Eurographics
6 May 2022
The European Association for Computer Graphics has elected Christian as Fellow of the Association in recognition of his seminal contributions to the field of computer graphics and visual computing, as well as his leadership to the community as a workshop and conference organizer and within the ERC.
Vahid Babei awarded Hermann Neuhaus Prize 2022
8 April 2022
Since 2018 this prize that is named after the most generous patron of the Max Planck Society is given once a year to excellent postdocs and research group leaders who are conducting research with the potential for application. The jury was impressed by his work on Artificial Intelligence aided Design and Manufacturing.

Ayush Tewari receives Otto Hahn Medal
8 April 2022
The former Department 6 PhD candidate Ayush Tewari was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal for scientific achievments he made during his PhD time in the MPI-INF. It is the most prestigious award for young scientists from the Max Planck Society.

Thomas Lengauer

Joël Ouaknine

Bernt Schiele
Bernt Schiele and Thomas Lengauer were appointed fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
7 April 2022
The Association for Computing Machinery, the world's largest and most important organization of computer scientists, has elected three researchers from the two Max Planck Institutes in Saarbrücken to Fellow status, the most prominent level of membership. Two of them are Members MPI-INF.
Thomas Lengauer, MPI-INF director emeritus, for contributions to bioinformatics and medical informatics
Bernt Schiele, director at MPI-INF, for contributions to large-scale object recognition, human detection, and pose estimation
Joël Ouaknine, director at MPI-SWS, was also awarded that prestigious status for contributions to algorithmic analysis of dynamical systems
The number of Saarbrücken-based ACM fellows ist now seven, five of them are MPI directors.

Danupon Nanongkai appointed as new director
9 December 2021
Danupon accepted the offer from the Max Planck Society as a new Scientific Member. He will be director of the Department 1 – Algorithms and Complexity, a field to which he made groundbreaking contributions.
Danupon starts with us in secondary office already now, and will join us in primary position in July 2022.
We are very happy and proud to have him on board.
Welcome, Danupon!

Gerhard Weikum bestowed with the 2021 Konrad Zuse Medal by the German Informatics Society
30 September 2021
The Zuse Medal is the highest award for computer science in Germany. Gerhard was chosen for his "proven achievements in the areas of distributed information systems, performance optimization of database systems, information extraction and knowledge processing."
Congratulations, Gerhard!

CAV Award for Harald Ganzinger
30 August 2021
Harald Ganzinger (1950 – 2004) was bestowed with the 2021 CAV Award by the 33th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification.
The 2021 CAV Award recognizes "the pioneering contributions to the foundations of the theory and practice of satisfiability modulo theories (SMT)".

The Captury was aquired by Dari Motion
26 May 2021
The Captury a MPI-INF spin-off that was founded out of the group of Prof. Christian Theobalt was aquired by Dari Motion a technology company in the area of motion health. The Captury has developed a new markerless motion capture technology that can detect movements of people very quickly and realistically. The Captury will continue to operate as an independent company, maintain and possibly expand its location in Saarbrücken, as well as market ist products.
Even the Tagesschau, Germany‘s leading national and television news service covered that story as well as Max Planck Society's News.
Congratulation, Christian and The Captury!

Bernt Schiele appointed member of Leopoldina
18 May 2021
Professor Bernt Schiele was appointed by the German National Academy of Natural Sciences Leopoldina, as a member. This academy, founded in 1652, is the oldest continuously existing learned society in the world. Being the National Academy in Germany it advises the German government on scientific topics. In its own words: It promotes a scientifically enlightened society and the responsible application of scientific insight for the benefit of humankind and the natural world.
Congratulations, Bernt!

New Department: Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence
30 March 2021
Christian Theobalt, head of the Graphics, Vision & Video research group at the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science in Saarbrücken, has been appointed Scientific Member by the Max Planck Society effective March 1, 2021. As scientific director at our institute he will head a new department that conducts research on fundamental issues in computer science at the interface of computer graphics, image recognition and artificial intelligence.
Congratulation, Christian!