Gaurav Sharma (Post-Doc)

Personal Information
Prior to MPI, I was briefly at the CNRS (French National Center for Research in Sciences) laboratory GREYC at the University of Caen. Before that, I was at Technicolor Rennes Research and Innovation Center working with Patrick Perez on the European Project AXES.
I completed my PhD on December 2012 — my thesis was done under the joint supervision of Frederic Jurie (GREYC, CNRS UMR 6072,University of Caen) and Cordelia Schmid (LEAR, INRIA Grenoble). I was funded under the ANR (French National Research Agency) project SCARFACE.
Before moving to France I spent five years working for an Integrated Master of Technology in Mathematics and Computing at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), India and one year as a R&D Engineer with the Technology Planning Group of Samsung Delhi R&D, India.
My Erdős number is at most 4 (G. Sharma - J. B. Srivastava - A. N. Alahmadi - C. Thomassen - P. Erdős).
More at http://www.grvsharma.com