Ulf Blanke

Personal Information
I moved
Since September 2011 I am affiliated to AGT Germany.
This page will not longer be updated. Please visit: www.ulfblanke.de (there you can find slides corresponding to the publications)
Research Interests
Ubiquitous Computing, Activity Recognition, Embedded Sensor Systems, Machine Learning
Dipl.-Inform. ( M.Sc. in Computer Science )
- Minors: HCI and Psychology at TU Darmstadt, Germany, 2001-2006
- Diploma Thesis: "Unsupervised Activity Recognition using Wearable Sensors" supervised by Tâm Huynh and Bernt Schiele
- Human Computer Systems SS 2010, TU-Darmstadt
- Human Computer Systems SS2009, TU-Darmstadt
- Human Computer Systems SS2008, TU-Darmstadt
- Introduction to Computer Science I WS2003-2004, TU-Darmstadt
Supervised Thesis:
- Matthias Plociennik. Longterm Motion Capturing. Bachelor thesis.
- Robert Rehner. Inferring Location and Activities by using Spatial Constraints. Master thesis
- Patrick Frankenberger. Visualizing large Information Spaces. Diploma thesis
Research Projects
See list of publications